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Terms of Service and Rules

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The rules here are incomplete and will be modified over time as necessary. Use common sense.
  1. Be courteous and respect your fellow members. To be clear, personal attacks, aggressive messages, and passive-aggressive behavior are unacceptable.
  2. Please post in the correct forums.
  3. Advertising in any form is forbidden.
  4. Only bump threads if you have something else to add to the discussion. Please search before creating new topics to avoid duplicate threads. All posts must be in English, or English translation must be provided.
  5. Please do not post or request any of the following items: Premium (paid) software, Serial numbers or key generators, or Hollywood movies.
  6. Newbies and Members are not allowed to post requests.
  7. Each user may only have one account. If duplicate accounts are discovered, the duplicates may be banned. Sharing your account with someone who is banned will result in your account getting banned as well.